September 16, 2010

lactation appointment

Posted in Feeding, Miller at 1:44 pm by megdick

>Monday, August 16

After leaving the hospital, breastfeeding continued to be painful for me and Miller was still having difficulty latching on properly. So, we called the hospital and made an appointment with a lactation consultant. The appointment was extremely beneficial and was the turning point for my successful breastfeeding. I had been very concerned with feeding a certain number of times a day for a certain amount of time. The nurse instructed me to focus more on Miller’s body cues and to feed on demand. She also assisted me with latch on and weighed Miller before and after feeding to ensure that he was getting enough milk. We were surprised to learn that he took 2 ounces in a very short amount of time. She also assured us that we were good parents and helped give me confidence that we were doing a good job. She stated that in her opinion it was fine to use a pacifier. She even told us that according to recent studies, the use of a pacifier at night can help reduce the risk of SIDS. This helped relieve some of my guilt about the pacifier. Miller had already gained some weight since his doctor appointment and was almost back to his birth weight. He weighed 8 lbs 14 ounces at this appointment.

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